43221darlington, queen elizabeth

43221darlington, queen elizabeth

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Question 5- How did you attract your audience

My model on my front cover got a good report towards the make-up and costume of my model, this also alongside my masthead meant that my magazine could be identified as a dance/ rave genre of magazine. They identified my magazine as fitting the social group of trendy. This person said that they would purchase my product because of the good lay out and the eye-catching features included within my magazine, but maybe a way of improving my magazine could be to include more detail on my double page spread. 

This certain person said that the first thing that grabs their attention about my magazine is the model on the front cover and her pose, along side the use of colours on the page. This person guessed my genre of dance and rave. The strengths of my magazine were identified as mainly the images as they were very appealing. The social group was recognised for young teenagers who were interested in electric music and fashion. They said they would purchase my magazine because it is the type of  magazine that they are interested in. If they could make any improvements for my magazine, was that they would like to have seen a bigger masthead which would focus on the topic of my article. 

The first thing that grabbed the attention of the person was the front cover and the alignments of the text also the bold mast head. They guessed the genre of my magazine of dance/ rave, they said this fitted together with the title of my magazine as 'Electric'. This person thought that the social groups that my magazine represented was dance music and people who are 'ravers'. This person said that they would purchase this magazine. If any improvements could be made they would be spending more time on the double page spread but also spending a little bit more time on the contents page as it looked like it had been produced quickly. 

The first thing that grabbed the attention of my reader was the front cover, the image because it was in your face and also the text colour because it was yellow and black which contrasts with the genre of my magazine. The genre of my magazine was suggested to be mainstream because of the models make-up and the way in which the model is looking at the camera. The strongest aspects of my product were the images and the way that it is laid out, and the cell lines. This particular person suggested that the social group of my magazine was mainstream/ pop music. This person said that they would not buy my magazine because it is not the type of magazine or music that she listens to. If this person was going to improve my magazine, would be to not have the image written over the text because you cannot cleary see the image also she suggested that i would include more cell lines on the front cover to give a clearer idea to my audience about what my magazine is about.

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